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Focused on a double benefit

Pupils are more engaged and perform better when they feel connected to at least one adult at school. That is our role and goal - to build a rapport with pupils that enables them to thrive. That rapport is also key to our double benefit - a year dedicated to discovering pupils' strengths, reveals our volunteers' own.

Our impact on schools

of focus list pupils

Pupils at particular risk of not meeting their potential because of poor attendance were more punctual

of focus list pupils

Despite academic barriers, pupils made progress in maths and English

of teachers

A primary school staff survey found that City Year helped pupils enjoy school more

of volunteers

Our City Year Mentors are confident in their coaching and mentoring role

“Before City Year I spoke so much about making a difference, but it is only once you get started that you realise just what making a difference means. It could be as small as helping a child get better at getting to school, or as big as helping them achieve the grades they never thought they would."

City Year Mentors City Year UK

Our impact on pupils who need help most

Learn about how our teams of City Year Mentors make a difference in partnership with schools.

Our impact on our volunteers

Over the course of the year, City Year Mentors benefit from over 300 hours of training - building skills they'll need in school, but also for their future careers. 9 out of 10 are in work or further education within three months of finishing and, as well as getting that all important foot on the job ladder, they show a continued commitment to social change.

The difference a City Year makes - from beginning to end

of City Year Mentors

Confident meeting new people (up 13%)

of City Year Mentors

Confident about getting things done (up 11%)

of City Year Mentors

Confident dealing with conflict (up 20%)

of City Year Mentors

Confident leading a team (up 19%)

"City Year changes you as a person; your self confidence, maturity and general approach to life. At times I have felt very sorry for myself but now I feel positive."

City Year Mentor City Year UK

Our alumni and social change

Findings from an independent survey of City Year UK alumni

Have your resume and references
In jobs in their community

Almost three quarters of alumni surveyed worked in non-private organisations with charities, schools and local government ranking highly.

Create an account
Leading change locally

More than three quarters of alumni surveyed reported that City Year UK had enhanced their skills and knowledge for being able to lead change in their community.

Find a place to focus
Levelling the playing field

The experience was found to create similar outcomes for young people from all backgrounds - which isn't the case for society as a whole.

National Strategic Partners
  • Bank of America logo
  • The Vertex Foundation Logo
  • DHL UK Foundation Logo
  • National Grid Logo
  • CVC Logo