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Get involved

More than 1,750 young people have already given around 3 million hours in over 100 schools through City Year UK but there is still so much more we could achieve. See how you could get involved.

See what our supporters say
See what our supporters say
City Year volunteer mentor with arm around student carrying backpack with orange rectangular accent
Join us

Aged 18-25? Realise your potential by helping pupils discover theirs.

How to apply

Community outreach school with blue overlay
Partner with us

Could your school – primary or secondary – benefit from an integrated team of dynamic, young City Year Mentors?

What schools see in City Year UK

handshake icon with purple triangle overlay
Support us

Are you interested in funding children to succeed at school AND developing a future talent pool of diverse young people?

Ways to support

"As all the young people who are involved with City Year UK will know, once you start on this it gets into your blood, you get energised, you develop confidence and self belief and you pass that on to those you're helping.  A year of service gives you so much that you can use in the future."

Lord Blunkett Honorary Patron, City Year UK

Partners in shaping social change

Read how the Credit Suisse EMEA Foundation has partnered with us since the beginning and the many different ways they get involved - to tackle educational inequality and skill-up young people for their future career.

Read our funder focus on the Credit Suisse EMEA Foundation
National Strategic Partners
  • Bank of America logo
  • The Vertex Foundation Logo
  • DHL UK Foundation Logo
  • National Grid Logo
National Partners
  • CVC Logo