Our City Year London teams are involved in every aspect of the school day. Some of their impact is measurable in numbers but some of it is best recorded in stories of change told by teachers, pupils and our volunteers themselves.
You’ll see our red jackets at breakfast club and after school clubs, in the corridors and in the playground - but each volunteer is also given a ‘focus list’ to support. Early warning indicators have identified these pupils as particularly at risk of not meeting their potential because of low attendance, poor behaviour or failure to make curriculum progress. Over 50% are eligible for the pupil premium.
“I believe it was the small gestures like smiling whenever we crossed paths, asking how she was in the playground and playing ball games with her that built that relationship that I
don’t think a teacher could develop as easily.”
City Year Mentor London
Making a measurable difference
Despite the impact of COVID-19 and school closures in 2019-20, the available data shows that we were still able to make a measurable difference to pupils from some of our most disadvantaged communities hit disproportionately hard by the crisis.
"It's a privilege to work alongside such motivated, selfless, dedicated and inspiring young people! They support our pupils in a variety of ways through the day, such as breakfast clubs, lessons, playtimes, lunchtimes, at after-school clubs, on educational trips and add immense value to our school."
Head of School Primary School, London
Reducing early warning indicators with focus list pupils
57% improved or maintained their attendance
65% improved or maintained their punctuality
50% improved their behaviour
51% improved or maintained their progress in maths
52% improved or maintained their progress in English
“My favourite thing about City Year is that they encourage students to dream”
Year 6 Pupil London Primary School
Ofsted mentions
Sebright Primary
“[City Year mentors] support pupils exceptionally well. They work closely with teachers to make sure that all pupils make very good progress.... This enables lesson time to be used effectively for all groups of pupils.”
Sebright Primary
City of London Academy
“This is a school where ‘no child is left behind’.... Pupils... make very good progress because of the ‘wrap-around care’ they are given.... [City Year mentors] work closely with teachers to provide exceptional support in lessons...”
City of London Academy
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