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City Year UK celebrates Black History Month 2022

Throughout October, CYUK has been spotlighting Black History month activities and memorable Black figures on our social media channels. It has been so interesting to learn about those who have helped shape the Black community into what it is today, and still do. Our Volunteer Mentors have covered the month’s importance in their schools, and have shared their learnings around current and past Black icons – and maybe some appreciations that are close to home, too. Here are some highlights from our social channels…


The teams each picked an inspirational Black figure to learn about, and shared these with the rest of the organisation. We especially liked Team Legends’ piece, as it was specially written for Zhauni, their Impact Officer!










Our volunteers also were taking part in activities in their schools. They created noticeboards for their schools to stop by, held assemblies and even created new lunch menus and held film screenings. It was great to see everyone getting involved and the events were a huge success. Check out Team Spirit’s video tour of City of London Highbury Grove as they celebrated Black History Month.


Team Starfish, who are serving at Bolton St Catherine’s Academy decided to run an interactive session at the lunch break where they did a mismatch task using famous people and what they did. Then on the other side pupils could write someone who inspired them! This was HUGELY successful and they got lots of fantastic names! Watch their video above.











And team members at one of our corporate partners, Tata Consultancy Services UK & Ireland, held a BHM bake sale recently (across London, Peterborough and Leamington Spa) – with proceeds going to CYUK!

Head over to our Twitter and Instagram to see everything that our volunteers created for Black History Month – we’ve really enjoyed seeing what they’ve learned and look forward to next year!


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